DIRTY HOUSE | GETLOW XP is our way to honor the return of real house music in the big scene.
This GETLOW expansion is packed with 120+ fresh house sounds and presets inspired by artists like Fisher, Chris Lake, Black Coffee, Green Velvet, Adam Bayer and labels such as Dirty Bird, Drumcode, Toolroom and more.
While designing these Kontakt presets, we took inspiration from the many subgenres of House music.
The library features a vast and versatile sound catalog, ranging from powerful analog bass presets, to mesmerizing arpeggiated sounds, rich pads, and chords and edgy house leads and plucks.
Inspired by the many subgenres of house music, these presets have been meticulously designed to be the perfect weapon for house music, tech-house, progressive house, techno and MUCH more.
There isn’t a single preset you can’t use, they all sound great in your productions And YES it will work on the free Kontakt player as far as you have GETLOW installed.
To take this expansion even further we also included drum presets that not only come with house, tech-house, and techno samples, they also allow you to play a full drum loop with the push of one key, but, we took it one step forward and added each loop elements to a separate key.
Get everything you need to make the next House hit, with the freshest presets available in the market to date and add DIRTY HOUSE | GETLOW XP to your arsenal now!
What’s included
Presets List
AR Dark Techno
AR Exit
AR Intense
AR Lotus
AR r4v3
AR r4v3 2
AR Saviour
AR The Wave
BA A Sick Bass To Start
BA Aaah lost it
BA Above Below
BA Analog Worm
BA Bass Amped
BA Bass Zone
BA Believe
BA Blaster
BA Cief
BA Deciever
BA Edges
BA Fm Piano Bass
BA Garage
BA Green Room
BA Grunge!
BA House Music Is Back
BA Hung Up
BA KBass
BA Keep Movin
BA Like a G
BA Losing it
BA MultiCore
BA Needs
BA Octaver
BA Phat Bassterd
BA Pitchy Square
BA Pulses
BA Puma SQ
BA Puncy Sub
BA Rc3
BA Ruby
BA Saw Attack
BA SH Mess
BA Shorty
BA Simply Effective Sub
BA Square Conflict
BA Super Deep
BA Swagger
BA Techno Dream
BA Temple
BA The Big Square
BA Tom Bass
BA Tom Style
BA Tyrone
BA UberDeep
CH Disco 90 (Unison)
CH Disco 90 Min (Unison)
CH Disco 90 Min
CH Disco 90
CH Echoes
CH Echoes (Unison)
CH Major 7 (Unison)
CH Major 7
CH More Life
CH Ms Fun Square
CH One Seven Five
CH Turned
DR Dancefloor
DR Darktech
DR Detroit
DR Dust
DR Fake Shaker
DR Fisherman
DR Grease
DR Heavy
DR Vinyl
FX Down To Space
FX Fireworks Down
FX Fireworks up
FX Laser Down
FX Laser Noise Down
FX Laser Up
FX Square Fall
FX Techno Police
LD Atari
LD Band Pass Magic (Unison)
LD Band Pass Magic
LD Buzz
LD Cruncy Saw
LD Cutoff Play
LD Electroid
LD Goodies
LD Harmonica
LD Hypnotik
LD Left & Right
LD Loosen Up
LD NovaSquare
LD Planted
LD Scorpio
LD Square On
LD Squeek
LD TechnoDrone
LD Terminal
LD Wah Wah
LD Wasp
LD What A Mess
PD Analog Strings
PD Dark Jupiter
PD Lush Pulses
PD Remedy (Less Unison)
PD Remedy
PD Vintage Strings
PI Bright House Piano FX
PI Bright House Piano
PI Piano & Strings
PL Ballz
PL Berlin Sky
PL Dare You
PL Pheedback
PL Pizza
PL Polly
PL Sequencer
PL Tiny Tech Pluck
PL Tommy 1
PL Vowels
PL Warm Fuzz
In order to use this soundset you must have GETLOW
At least 4gb RAM (8 Recommended), and 250MB of free drive space
As far as you own GETLOW, this DIRTY HOUSE Expansion will work perfectly with both Kontakt 5 and the FREE Kontakt Player